Monday 22 December 2014

Xiahou Ba Rigging Failure #1

Now that I have started my Christmas holidays for the year, I have decided to proceed with the final stages of my Xiahou Ba project. This involves any ironing out of texture issues I may still find, but mostly rigging and rendering. I originally planned to be able to apply free downloaded motion capture data to this model from Mixamo to use simply to make my characters more lively, without having to go into the massive effort of animating myself; something that I am not great at.

To do this requires bringing in the motion captured file with my own project, and retargetting the animation from their skeleton to my own. The process sounds simple enough, but from my past work at university I already knew this would be a nightmare.

I set up both of the rigs as defined HumanIK rigs for Maya to reference, then told my character to follow the original animation of the imported skeleton. While this process worked, the results were far from satisfactory.

As you can see, there is a lot of stretching and generally broken animation here. It appears to fix this the model would have to be standing in the same stance as the rig from which the animation is being referenced. While this is not impossible to do, it will take a lot of time and possibly cause some problems, but it will be the next step now for this project. I would very much like to get this working as it should.

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