Tuesday 20 March 2018

Railroad Shed Project Update

Been a long while since I posted on my blog again!

Lately I have been working on my older 'Railroad Shed' project, adding models to it to make it a clearer environment, and re-texturing the whole thing in Substance Painter. I have tried to keep a very similar cartoon-like style to the textures, while adding a lot more detail in. The now also fully utilise texture maps, not just the diffuse unlit colour as before. Naturally, this changes the style a little, but not much. Here are some newer test renders.

The issues I have now is trying to find a way to create an actual environment out of the work I have, instead of just rendering it on a grey background and calling it a day. Ideally I don't want to be adding much more work to the project, and am eager to move on to the next plan, but it's difficult to come up with a good set of camera angles that can make the scene look like its part of a larger world.
Here is what I have so far in Maya. The floor and steps have been added and will need to be textured if they stay. I may look at adding bushes behind the shed to block out the nothingness that is seen there, but bushes in themselves could be tricky to do well. Any extra work added needs to be easy to complete quickly, and not detract from the main models shown so far.