Friday 14 April 2017

Gas Station Update

This is just a quick update on the Gas Station project. I may add a roof and some more items, but otherwise, the main part of it is done. I have fully modelled the high-res meshes and the low-res meshed now, and xNormal has created normal maps from each of them. The results can be seen below.

On closer inspection however, you can see that the normal maps are far from finished, and this is the main part of conducting this project; to learn how to correctly bake normal maps on hard-surface models.

You can clearly see in this surface that there is a black line striking through the normal map where it should look smooth like the high-res version.

This error is all over the model in different areas, though not everywhere in what appears to be the same situation, so I am looking into this.


This covers everything I needed to know. :)