Saturday 21 May 2016

Lord Beritra - AION 4.0: Dark Betrayal

So naturally while I'm supposed to be working on this months art challenge set by Polycount forums, I decided to veer off track today with a strange urge to create a model of 'Lord Beritra', the 'Forth Dragon Lord' from the MMORPG, Aion. Probably because I was listening to the games' soundtrack. 

Considering I started it today, I have gotten quite far with it. It already has most of its normal maps from ZBrush as a first-pass. They haven't been detailed or cleaned up at all yet. I actually built the model over Xiahou Ba's body, retopologising the hands and face once the rest of the body was built to match the lower polycount.

Here is my progress so far. This render is done in Marmoset Toolbag 2, as this is my goal for this project I think.