Saturday 25 October 2014

Xiahou Ba Clothing

After a bunch of ideas of how I should dress Xiahou Ba for this project, I finally decided to do a 'retro' style 1990's take on his clothing as an odd outfit for him. This is a very rough scribble-over ZBrush render to get an idea of how his cloths will work together in the end. So far I am about 90% of the way through modelling his shorts, with only a few more details to add to them such as his belt buckle, back pockets, and possible some more seams. At this point I should also point out that the colours on the concept are very much not final.

Once I have completed the initial base-mesh of his trousers I also need to correct some of their shaping, then move onto his shoes, necklace, wrist accessories, and hat. His shirt should be fine to all be done in ZBrush, with possibly manual retopology if it requires.