Tuesday 24 January 2017

Karma Akabane - 3D Print Material Possibly Chosen

So after doing some research, I think I will go with the company 'Shapeways' to produce my model of Karma Akabane from Assassination Classroom. It sounds like I will use this plastic in the end too, opting to print the model in smaller separate parts, and then paint them using spray paint base colours.

Shapeways Material 'Strong & Flexible Plastic'

The model is currently at the stage of creating the joints to bind the model together, however in doing so, it seems the high-res sculpt information may not work so well anymore in the end. This is due to the meshes being significantly different now, and so the re-projection will get a lot more things wrong and messed up. Essentially, the model should have been built this way from stage 1. Whether or not this proves too much work to be worth the end result at this stage is yet to be seen. I'm still in the stage of just getting the model set up, and I'll see what ZBrush says later on when the meshes are brought back in. 

I'm sure it will do that silly scaling bug it loves to do so much, and I'll never even get the meshes to go over one another again...